H o m eA b o u tW O R KS H O PC o n t a c t

a b o u t

My name is Mikael Ensrud. 
I'm 25 years old and I'm currently studying graphic design at Campus Kristiania in Oslo, Norway. 

While I do study graphic design, I have a creative drive that spans through multiple artistic and creative fields, including illustration, music, photography and animation. All of which are fields I seek to achieve competence within.

I'm somewhat of an idealist, and consider myself a child of the future, trapped in an era of technological and social mediocrity.
I firmly hold that I was born far too early in history, and long for times yet to come. Of ages of technological and general social and intellectual integrity.
As such, my style is typically bears influence of my visions of the future.

Despite this, I'm always trying to improve and expand my horizon.
I'm eager to learn, and always up for taking on a creative project outside my comfort zone.

I believe that one should always try to improve and be better than what one already is. Personal improvement is a never-ending goal that I will always keep pursuing to the best of my ability.

s h o p

C O M I N G  S O O N

C o n t a c t   /   s o c i a l

                       E M A I L :
m i k e n s 9 0 @ h o t m a i l . c o m

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